Becoming a web developer

If somebody would have told me a week a go that I would be able to make a website, I would not have believed them.

Just a few days later, I came across Mimo and started to work on a real blog.

Just a few days later, I came across Mimo and started to work on a real blog.

What Does It Really Mean To Be Chief?

The coveted Chief title—Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, etc.—can be found today in all reaches of business as a way to identify who is in charge. As companies named endless vice presidents in times past, lately Chief titles are taking over. And this practice isn’t limited to business. You’ll find Chiefs, Senior Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Administrative Chiefs, and Assistant Chiefs throughout government. With so many Chief titles out there, what does it really mean to be Chief?

Chiefs are powerful, but in my view not for the reasons most believe. Real Chiefs don’t owe their influence to a title or a position given to them by others.